My sister and I went to Beverly Hills, specifically Rodeo Drive. We walked into a jewelry store, the kind where you have to wait for them to buzz the door to let you in and out. We where the only ones in the store. The owner and sales girl offered us wine and cheese, we declined. I have never felt such desperation as I did in that store. The owner and sales girl kept taking things out of the cases and walking over to us to show us. They really really wanted us to purchase something. I actually wonder when was the last time they had a sale.
My sister and I proceed down the street and walked into a jewelry store that had the doors wide open, no buzzers on their door. I saw a ring that had a brown tear drop shaped stone in the middle with tiny pink stones all around it. The entire ring was set in rose gold. It looked more like a trinket to me. We were told that it was a brown diamond surrounded by pink diamonds as I slipped it on my finger. When we asked what the price was... we were told..... $575,000.00. My sister and I looked at each other in shock. Here is a jewelry store with the door wide open and no security guard any where in sight and this girl just whipped out a $575,000.00 ring and stuck it on my finger. Something seemed very weird. My sister asked me, "What would you think if I bought it for you?" I told her, "I would think you are seriously ill!" and we had an incredible laugh.
We have two great memories to revisit and laugh about... remember the time we felt like we were held hostage in the jewelry store? ..... remember the time I tried on a half a million dollar ring that looked like it should have a $12 price tag on it?...lol...lol...vll...lol..vll
The picture is my sister and I and it was taken at the Bacara Resort in Santa Barbara, CA, two weeks ago.