My sister was here about a week ago, for a week. We ate every meal out. It was lots of fun going to my favorite places for the last time, for a while.
I was trying to open a jar and was having a difficult time. I remembered a time recently when I was cooking and had a hard time opening a jar. The phone rang and it was my special man in Pennsylvania. I told him I was having a hard time opening a jar and he asked "Why don't you just ask a neighbor to open it for you?" I replied, "Honey I live in LA."
I will write a blog post later about what it is really like to live in Los Angeles.
Right now we are talking about food, Babe! I have literally eaten at restaurants all over the world. I have eaten at the oldest restaurant in Central Europe, Stiftskeller St. Peter, in Salzburg. It has been around since 803. I have eaten at the Citrus in Los Angeles. Which is now closed but definitely the highest end restaurant in Los Angeles.
The only food that I have ever dreamed about is the food that my special man cooks. He is an intuitive cook. He trust his gut and instinct when cooking. He doesn't use recipes. He is truly a gifted cook. One of my favorites is this dish he whips up in the wok that has red onions, sweet potatoes, beats and garlic. Another of my favorites is the way he cooks portabello mushrooms.
I really think that he should own his own restaurant one day. I can see it now.... "Fine Intuitive Dining at Eugene's". The restaurant would be small and elegant. It wouldn't have any menus or set days or hours of operation. You would call when you want to come and listen to the recording which would tell you if the restaurant would be open that evening and what the menu would be. The cost would be $100 a head. You eat what's put in front of you. This would be a restaurant for those with an open mind regarding food. I personally think it would be a big hit.
It doesn't matter where the restaurant is located. If it is good, people will come. One of my favorite steak restaurants is Jacko's in Nipomo, California. Approximately 13,000 people live in Nipomo. There's really nothing to go there for except a golf course and Jacko's. People come from all over the world to eat there. My sister and I had a reservation at 6:00 and we got seated at 6:50pm. I went one time without a reservation and was told there was a 4 hour wait. I didn't wait. I have been there when I was told there was a 2 hour wait and I have waited the 2 hours. It is not uncommon to see a ton of people waiting outside of Jacko's who are waiting 2 hours to eat. Jacko's is not a fancy place. They have aluminum tables and chairs. The prices are super reasonable and the steaks are to die for.
By the way, what you do when you can't get a jar open in LA, is to go back to the store with it. I can't even tell you the amount of times I have done this. I go up to the manager and say "I want to return this. I can't open it." If the manager is a woman she will look around and usually some young guy will be around to open my jar. I then look at him and say "Thanks Dude."
The picture is of spaghetti.
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