Friday, May 29, 2009

Greeting from Pennsylvania!

Well, we made it! We rolled into Pennsylvania around 7pm.

My sister asked me how it felt to drive out of California. If you know me... I mean really know me... then you would know I was really okay with it.

When we crossed over the state lines to Pennsylvania I felt relieved and excited. I am about to create a new chapter in my life. As I sat in the car I thought about the first day I rolled into California.... I looked around and said to myself, "I only want to live here 20 years." And so I asked myself "How long will I be here?" And I listened and what I heard was.... "As long as you want to be." Which is actually all cool, fine and dandy with me.

About 6 months ago I wondered "What will my creativity be like in Pennsylvania.?" I am not sure if I believe that you can create anywhere. I heard Eckhart Tolle say that he had to go to California to write the book "A New Earth" because of the creative energy there. I did pretty good creating in California.

What I noticed was that the last few trips I made out here to Pennsylvania... the creative neuronets in my brain were firing off the charts... One day I came up with like a thousand and one ideas. It was crazy wild!

I am going to hit the ground running. I have tons of plans and I look forward to implementing them!

The picture of of the state I now live in.



  1. Hey!!
    Followed your trip via this Blog. It is so kewl. I am going to make this trip one day too you know, maybe in the opposite direction, maybe via Seatle, maybe Canada O yeah and I will stop at Disneyworld and Hawaii ;-)

    Thnx for taking us on your trip!


  2. Yay! Glad to see you've arrived! We miss you around here!

