Since arriving back in Los Angeles on Thursday morning, my man and I have been finishing the packing of my belongings for the professional packers who arrived here this morning at 9:30. The "professional packers" are professionally packing a commercial trailer with my stuff. They have been at it for the last 6 hours. I think they may have one hour left.
My guy has been 'Heaven Sent'. There is no way I could have gotten it all done without him. And thank God he was around to help out because no one else was. Did that sound sarcastic? I didn't mean for it it. I am about telling it like it is.
I have often said "Friendships and Insurance are the same. You don't know how good either one of them are until you need them." My "friends" said "Hey if you need help packing let me know." And I did make the calls to get the help. And what I heard was every excuse in the book. I am not angry or upset. It just is... what it is.... I have learned that life ALWAYS turns out the way it is suppose to. For some reason I was suppose to do this move on my own. For some reason the only person to "step-up-to-the-plate" has been my man.
Maybe it was meant for us to do together. I knew before we began the moving stuff that doing this with him could make or break our relationship. I was very interested to see what it would be. I am totally thrilled to find out that even when we are tried and exhausted and have aches and pains we can still laugh and joke together. We make an excellent team and I am very excited about the opportunity that I had to find that out.
On another note... I am sorry if I seemed short with friends/family within the last 48 hours. It was critical that I have every single thing packed before 9:30am today and I had a day and half to finish what I had started. I did not have the luxury of responding to emails or picking up the phone to retell the current situation over and over again. That's why I created this blog. So I would only have to tell the story once and everyone would be in the know and no one would feel left out. I know that there are a large part of my "friends" who have told me.... "I don't read blogs." And that is fine. You do what you gotta do. And I get to do what I gotta do. And taking the time to communicate what is going on, while very enjoyable to me, is also an effort to communicate. And at this time I want to personally thank each and every one of you for the time that you have taken to read it.
Well, I gotta run for now. I get to relax and regroup before hitting the road Tuesday morning after the "walk through" is done on my apartment.
The picture is of the Santa Monica pier and that is where I am headed once the professional packing guys leave.
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