Today I ran last minute errands getting little things we'll need for the road trip that will take us through 11 states.
So far everything has been going pretty smoothly, except maybe in the sleep department. This will change the minute I get to Pennsylvania. For that... I am sure of.
Everyone handles "goodbyes" differently. Some of my friends were eager to get together for one last breakfast, lunch or dinner together. Others have gotten wildly angry with me for leaving and hence no need to say goodbye. I actually thought that this was an age thing, because 23 years ago when I moved from New Orleans to Pennsylvania some of my friends got angry with me for leaving. Well, I will tell you... it's not an age thing. And then of course there are people who will avoid you like to plague just so they don't have to say goodbye. This has been a good lesson for me to accept people as they choose to be and not take any of it personally.
I have also tried to do some fun things that I like to do while having all of this moving stuff going on. Like reading, creating my book review videos. Trying to keep some balance in my life. I have learned that in my younger years I would have only done the moving stuff and then pissed and moaned about it the entire time. Now I evaluate what absolutely has to be done today and that is what I do and then spend the rest of the time doing what I enjoy. Then at the end of the day I feel good. I did what needed to be done and had fun.
I posted 2 book review videos this morning of the 2 books I finished on the plane back here. And then I cleaned the apartment for the walk through tomorrow morning.
I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing. Tomorrow morning at approximately 9:30am - 10am we will begin our journey to the east coast. 6 hours into our drive we will be in Las Vegas. Too bad we will have the cats with up... or maybe that is a good thing that we have them with us..lol...lol..lol...
The picture of of cleaning stuff..lol...lol...
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