I woke up with that same feeling and realized that I do feel like I am in a capsule and I am looking forward to my release. Over the last 30 days I have been communicating more with my friends on the east coast and really am looking forwarding to the exciting times I am about to create.
I feel as if I will arrive in Pennsylvania with a burst of energy like nothing I have ever experienced before. I know I will feel renewed and refreshed. I am looking forward to completing the many creative projects I have bouncing around in my head, that I have had to put on the back burner to take the time to get me to a different place in life.
I plan on doing a lot more traveling. Traveling and Creating are two biggies for me. My sister recently asked me "When did you know you loved traveling? Did something specific happen?" I told her it was around the age of 18 or 19 when I realized you could walk into the airport and purchase a ticket to go anywhere in the world. I felt as if I were a kid in a candy store. And from that time on I vowed, I would always have a suit case packed. And I always do. Just need to throw in the clothes for the climate and I am out the door in 5 minutes flat. This really came in super handy when, for 16 years, I had a friendship with some high rolling jet setters here in Los Angeles. They knew they could call and say "Want to go here or there?", at the last minute and my answer was ALWAYS "Yes."
I would love to be a bird. Just flying from one place to another. Home is where I am. Don't get me wrong, I know how to create a home and I love having one. And when I am here.. I am here... but when I am traveling... I am traveling. I learned how to "be where you are" from my Mom. When we were one place she would want to be another. Every time we went on vacation, at some point, she would decide we had to get home. For no particular reason, we just had to stop everything and head home. I vowed, I would never think about home when I wasn't there.
I have told my sister that if I die in another country she must promise to leave my body there. I don't believe the expense should be paid to ship me home. Just leave me where I am.
The picture is of shoes of course!
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