Today I got pulled over by a Nebraska policeman. Was I speeding? No. I had a California license plate with a blinged out license plate holder in a black car with tinted windows. Just enough to peak his curiosity. He said the reason he pulled me over was because; 1) I did not put on my turn signal 100 feet before changing lanes (who the hell does?); and 2) He said he saw me "surve" a little (which I didn't not do). It was 12:30 in the afternoon and believe me, my man would have said something had I "surved". I have experience with policemen (those stories are being saved for another day). I know that if you have your license, proof of insurance and registration ready to hand to them when they approach the car... you are less likely to get a ticket. At least I don't when I hand them what they want before asking. He asked me to get out of the car and go to his car. He asked me to get into his car. Then he started asking me 5,000 questions while his partner approached my car and started asking my man 5,000 questions. The two policemen then had a meeting behind the police car and said I was free to go and to be careful. I wasn't upset because I knew exactly why I was being pulled over. It did slow us down a bit. Along with the massive road construction going on in Nebraska and Iowa.
We traveled through 3 states today. Tomorrow we will get on the road at 6am and should be at our destination by 5pm tomorrow.
The picture is of a map of where we are.
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