Monday, December 21, 2009

Shoveling Snow is a Social Thing Here

So yesterday morning I walked outside and within minutes ALL of my neighbors where out. The sun was shining and it was sooo beautiful. Lots of chatting going on and a little bit of shoveling. Other than the chatting... it was super quiet!

It really wasn't as bad here as they said it was on tv. It went up to about 40 degrees (4.4C) and the sun was out for most of the day. I actually got in the car and ran a couple of errands.

It's funny... in October my neighbors said "November is when the weather gets really nasty." And that didn't happen. Then they said, "December is when the weather gets really nasty." And well.. that hasn't happened. And now they are saying, "January is when the weather gets really nasty." Okie..dokie... I'll just sit back and wait for that nasty weather to arrive!

Well, it's going to be a short but busy week. Only 3 work days. Lots of people will be on the road Thursday, Christmas Eve, or running last minute errands.

Another techie picture of Mario. I was looking all over for my remote!


1 comment:

  1. Hey! We'd snow too in Holland!!! OMG, ...seems like forever ago that it snowed round x-mas time. I think I've never seen it snow this bad (or good!!) in the Netherlands... Amazing!!
