So if you dislike your job and haven't looked for another one, don't be shocked if you get a pink slip before the end of the month.
If you are in a relationship that you aren't happy in, don't be surprised if it ends, without you having to step-up-to-the plate and end it, before the end of the month.
If you can't afford where you live or dislike where you live, don't be surprised if you are forced to change your living conditions before the end of the month.
Here's the deal about Mercury in Retrograde. It's ruthless and is like the straw that broke the camels back. It doesn't care how much discomfort it causes. It will get you on the right track. When the dust has settled and you look back at the events of the month of September you will realize that it all happened for a good reason and you are in a better place.
The key is to go with the flow and trust that all is happening for your higher good.
Mercury in Retrograde also affects communications, travel and electrical devices. So you should have already made sure your computer was backed up. Double and triple check travel plans this month. Don't start anything new. Revisit old projects or ideas, now is a good time to make something happen. And the most important thing is not to "react". Most of what you think is happening this month... isn't. So just sit back... be amused at the ride... and next month, after the dust has settled... look at what is in front of you and go from there.
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