My friend, Max, told me that he was getting one and that I should consider it. I instantly thought, "No way, too much to learn." Max showed me a video about the iPhone and I was blown away. I mean a one-eyed monkey could figure out the iPhone!
The launch of the iPhone was a big deal. Max and I decided to line up at the mail in the early morning 12 hours before the phone was released. The phone was released at 6pm. We arrived at 7am. We were about the 20th in line. I brought coffee, sandwiches and my laptop. Max brought his laptop, a power cord and his work papers. The time went by sooooo fast. Restaurant vendors, from the mall, came out with goodies for us. The Apple employees came out with bottles of water for us. There were camera and radio crews talking to us. Max was a bit grumpy because he had friends in town and had only gotten 2 hours of sleep.
We were escorted into the store in groups of 20. Everyone purchased their phone and left. At that time the only way to activate the iPhone was through iTunes. I knew everyone who worked in the Apple store. I have a Mac Book and had taken a ton of classes there. I purchased my iPhone and looked at my friend the Apple employee and said, "I want mine to work now. I have my laptop." He looked at his boss and they all said, "Let's do it." I opened up my laptop and all the employees surrounded me and Brian, the Apple employee, who was assisting me. There were reporters around and cameras flashing everywhere. And I kept thinking, "OMG they are taking my picture and I look like shit. I have been sitting outside for 11 hours!" I was super excited when my iPhone was on and some guy yelled, "Hold it up!" I held up my iPhone and smiled a big smile and pictures were taken. My iPhone was the first one activated! Like Wow, who knew...lol..lol...
About a week later I went into the Apple store for a class and there right on the wall, super big was a picture of me holding up my iPhone and smiling with the words "The Face of Transformation" underneath. I looked like shit I tell you...lol...lol...
I called my lawyer and asked if they could put my picture up like that without my approval and he said yes. It was taken in there store and it was their property.
A year later the newer iPhone came out and I went in for a class and there up on the wall, again, was my picture. It was funny .... pretty funny.
For some reason I have saved the box and bag from that purchase. Yesterday after purchasing my new iPhone 3GS, with shiny copper casing (just like the picture) I came home and put my old iPhone in it's original box. If I live long enough it may actually be worth something some day...
This is a perfect example of how Mercury in Retrograde affects us. It takes us from one place to another. I would have stayed with my original phone forever it I could have. The new iPhone has lots of things that will make my life better.. like making and editing video right on my phone. How cool is that?..lol..lol...lol..
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