I have been operating my business for 16 years and can tell you that, I now know, 100% of the jobs the clients call about; 1) the information changes; and/or 2) the information given to me is wrong.
You can always, I don't care how much your blue tooth cost, tell when someone is calling from their car.
This morning I sent out an email to the clients that do this the most. The email said "Effective Immediately! I will not conduct business with anyone calling from their car on their cell phone. When you get home or to your office feel free to pick up the phone and give me a call. In my 16 years of doing this business I have gathered up enough information and experience to tell you that anytime someone is calling to do business from their car there is a very large margin for error in the information that I am given and it is not a safe and effective way of doing business. Best wishes."
I feel it is better to give them the heads up instead of waiting until they call, then chopping them off at the knees, and them thinking I am just having a bad day..lol..lol...
Don't you love the sign? To bad it can't be a real sign put up along side of the roads, followed by the sign they have in Australia, of the two guys fighting. Which by the way, that sign should have the big red slash rough it. Like the signs that indicate "you can't do that here". The sign with the two guys fighting looks like a "deer crossing" sign. Like okay this is the spot where you can pull it over and duke it out with that dude that just cut you off...lol..lol...vll...
Hahaha, so true! This is some amazing factual shit! ...well as good as it gets :-D