Last night I went to dinner with some friends and we went to a fancy restaurant. All day long I wondered 'what to wear'. I don't have any wool pants. I lived in California!
On Friday I went out in the snow falling weather to; 1) keep mobile; and 2) see if I could find a pair of wool pants. No wool pants to be found but a ton of spring clothing! Go figure.
I decided to wear this long gypsy colorful skirt, with black thick stockings, brown sweater and black floor length coat. I walked out of my door and across the street and it was 10 degrees. It felt a bit cool but nothing to ruin what turned out to be a delightful evening. I believe it went down to 4 degrees ( -15.5C) last night.
As I look out of my bedroom window I see people walking their dogs and possibly just running errands. I will soon be one of them. I am going to jump in the shower get dressed and walk to the post office and grocery store.
I sincerely apologize to my friends in Texas if I have offended you with my posting on my blog. This is my interpretation of how I see the world through my eyes. And personally, I don't think that complaining about the weather or a heating bill that hasn't arrived yet, is cool. You can continue to do it and I will still love you. It only makes sense to me in a way that "misery loves company". You don't have to heat a whole house. Get a $10 space heater, like I did, and layer your ass off with clothes, like I do. Be happy! I am going to give my compassionate thoughts to those who are really and truly suffering. Thankfully I don't know anyone who is. But I am going to put it out there in the Universe that those who are without... will find a way ;-)
This is a picture I took of the Godafoss waterfall in Iceland. It's one of the famous waterfalls in Iceland because in the year 1000 the powers-that-be decided to make Iceland a Christian county. If you weren't Christian they threw you from this waterfall.
And don't forget.... Today is Pomegranate Day!!! Pomegranates can be found in the produce section of your grocery store. Here's the video to see what to do with your pom
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