It seems as if everyone on the planet has experienced some sort of major change in their lives this year.
I personally think it is ending too fast. I mean it just seems like 3 or 4 years ago we were all worried about the new millennium meltdown and that was a decade ago!
2009 was the year of my major cross country move from the west coast to the east coast. Followed by 2 months living in Wilkes-Barre and then a move to Bloomsburg. Humm.... 2 moves in one year and I am not settled. One more move and then I will be settled. That move will take place sometime between March 2010 and July 30, 2010. I don't know where it will be to and am not even contemplating looking until March.
The snow arrived while I was sleeping last night. Kinda magical how that happens. I went outside to shovel off the side walk and it was quiet. The only thing I heard were other shovels scrapping the sidewalk and the smell of fireplaces burning filled the air. I like it! I got in my car and went to the store to get the traditional corn beef and cabbage to throw in the crock pot tonight. I am very proud of myself for sticking to resolution of not becoming immobile because of the snow. I have kept moving and living and going with life.. and I don't think I have gained a pound...lol...lol...lol..
My new friends, Eric and Sara, are having a New Year's Eve party complete with live band. They invited me to join them. I have declined. Eric and Sara are young. Up until around the age of 30 you think that you have to be awake at midnight or you will miss something. After the age of 30 you go to parties and sit around looking at your friends asking each other "Is it midnight yet?" You just want it to be over so you can go to bed and go to sleep. Around the age of 40 you realize that New Year's is going to get here and be the same even while you are sleeping....lol..lol...lol..
The last thing I am going to do this year... is going to be something I have never ever done in my life. My neighbors have invited me over, in the early evening...lol..lol.. to play Wii. I have never done it before and have heard it is a ton of fun.
Be safe and have fun ringing in the new year!