American fruitcake was invented in 1913 and made primarily to be delivered through the mail. You either like it or you hate it. I personally think it's okay. I can eat it.. it's just not my favorite. In 1935 nuts were added to the American fruitcake.
The Italian fruitcake is a fluffier cake with not as many candied fruits in the batter. I had my piece for breakfast this morning and highly suggest you check it out if you haven't already.
This week 2 friends in California asked "When are you coming back?" I personally was a little shocked by this question. I responded, "I have no immediate plans on coming back." And there was a long silent pause. I then said, "The plane flies both ways." And got a rash of excuses as to why they could not fly to the east coast. Which I thought was pretty funny.
Half of me feels as if I should be doing something right now. Something, anything, to move forward in my life. Like look for a home to purchase, which I don't want to do till the spring time. Learn and perfect my Italian, I know that there is more than enough time for that.
And then the other half of me knows that this feeling, like I should be doing something. is part of what is left over from living in California, where everyone is doing, doing, doing, doing. My goal is to live part of my life in Italy. I know, from my visits there, that no one does anything. The only place in the United States where you will experience a vibe similar to that of Italy is Key West, Florida. People just live to watch the sun rise and the beautiful sunsets and enjoy all day in between. People aren't running around doing, doing, doing.
I knew that I would never be able to move from California to Italy. The difference in the pace would have driven me crazy in no time. I feel that Pennsylvania is a good transition place for me to slow down. Relax, enjoy, be and create.
So I acknowledge that the restless feeling is left over from California and also acknowledge that I don't need to give into it, fight it, or resist it. It's there, it's normal, it's all good.
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