In case you don't know who Louise Hay is.... well, she is this woman who healed herself from cancer like decades ago and wrote the book "You Can Heal Yourself" which has sold like a zillion trillion copies.
Anyway, I ran across her blog and she wrote about eating fish, how often she eats fish, and how much she loves eating fish and about how taking the entire bone out of a fish in one piece is right up there with the ultimate sexual experience, or seeing god, or something unbelievable.
And then I thought..... "Well, alrighty, that takes any pressure off of me to write something brilliant!"
I noticed that a few of the people in the neighborhood like to write notes and put them on their front doors. A couple of blocks away there is a note on a door that reads, "If you are any member of your family has been sick for more than one week, please visit my phone. Thanks, Linda." And then there is another one that says, "Chris - stay off of the porch and wait in the truck -". I never saw notes like this in Louisiana or California. I think it's wild!
Okay, confession time... I hear sirens almost every day here. It's only once a day vs. the 6+ times I would hear them in California on a daily basis. The sirens I hear here are firetrucks. I Googled "Pennsylvania Fires" and well... they have a lot of them here.
The fire that burned 4 buildings in the next block started by a "kitchen mishap". The newspaper article said that something fell off of the stove and set the wall on fire. Well, I am wondering, "Why would anyone be cooking at 4:00 in the morning?" I would bet my money on drunk college kids.
Remember the picture I posted about 3-4 weeks ago of the beautiful mountain covered with multi-colored trees? Well, here is what it looks like now. It's not cold here yet. We are thinking of going hiking at Worlds End State Park.
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