And once again, I went outside with shovel in hand, to shovel the sidewalk, and there wasn't any snow on it. My sister says that the people who lived here before me must have put a ton of salt on the sidewalk. Yipppeeee... lucky me.
Remember I told you that I really am a seasonal worker, well ... I have been working my ass off. I have, from day one, had problems with the office I got in Delaware in June of this year. Well, earlier this week I found another place so I spent part of Monday and yesterday changing the address on lots of things, (i.e. bank accounts, business cards, labels, stationery, etc.).
Well, I haven't been happy with the website for my legal business, Professional Legal Assistors, so today I decided I would build a new website, from scratch, by myself. I tell you, GoDaddy has this down pat and first class customer service. I called this morning, with my list of questions in hand, and the guy at GoDaddy not only answered all of my questions but pointed me in the right direction and emailed me some great useful information. I began at 8am and stopped for 1 hour to put a roast in the oven and then went back to it. By 8pm the new website was not only complete but up live! You can see it here www.biz-usa.com.
Tomorrow I will be busy doing legal jobs that came in today but I didn't do because I wanted to get the website done.
I told my sister this morning, "When I get this website done I am going to feel so empowered. I am going to feel like I can fly!"
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