Some people like the predictability of the future. And while the future is NOT, in the least, predicable, a lot of people live as if it is and are devastated when they find out it isn't as predicable as they thought.
This time last year I was on the beautiful Hayman Island in Australia. The weather was warm 90+ degrees (32.2C), the water was clear teal color and I sat on the white sandy beach thinking it was not like any Christmas Eve I had ever experienced in my 50 years on this planet!
I had no idea that this year I would be sitting in my bed and it would be 23 degrees (-5C) outside.
One of the major differences I have seen this holiday season is that people in California don't go to the store to shop with a list in their hand. I noticed while running errands the other day that it appeared everyone, in Target, had a list in their hand. Small children, men, grandma and grandpa, they ALL had list. I thought it was sooooo sweet. It really touched my heart. Our economy is suppose to be in the toilet and yet there are people who make list of special people and special things to get for those special people. That's amazing!
This picture is of my special friend Kelly who I reconnected with in Australia last December. Although we had only met for the first time then I say "reconnected" because I believe that we have soul mates. People who we love dearly and we decide that we want them to be part of our new life experiences so we make a pack with them that we will cross paths in this lifetime. And when we do it feels like we are "reconnecting" and picking up the friendship where it left off in the past lifetime. It doesn't feel new or different or strange. I am blessed to have had this experience quite a few times, so I am fortunate enough to recognize it. In the picture Kelly and I are celebrating Christmas Eve!
Nice blog; indeed a lot CAN be different a year later. You are the perfect example! And it seems all good! Beautiful!