Years ago I went to join a gym in Los Angeles and you walked in off the street and there was the front desk and when they took you for a tour they took you downstairs and there were no windows because you were underground. I couldn't even concentrate on what the guy was telling me who was giving me the tour. I just keep looking at the block walks and feeling creepy.
When I would to go the Apple Store in the Canoga Park Mall I was okay because I could look out of the store front and see the mall skylight. I can walk into a store that doesn't have any windows but I am not likely to do any amount of shopping in there.
As a kid, my favorite aunt was claustrophobic. She would not pass a big truck on the highway, even though she drove a big ass Cadillac. And she would never get in an elevator. I remember when we would go somewhere with her we would all have to take the stairs, which didn't make much sense to me because sometimes those stair wells were small and had no windows. I personally think it was the least of two evils for my dear aunt.
Even though I can see out of my windows I can't open them and that bothers me. It feels like a weight on my chest. I have always, as long as I can remember, lived in places where I can open the windows. I love windows open and air flowing in and out. I don't care if it is hot air or cold air.. it's air and it flowing. And with my windows winterized there isn't any air flowing and it bothers me.
Yesterday I couldn't take it any longer so I unwinterized one of the windows. Wow, I could feel my energy change. I got excited and happy and I don't care how much my heating bill will be. I'll gladly pay for the happiness in heating $$$s if I have to.
This is a picture that I took from the first snow storm that we had. My first 6 inches of snow. The weather guy says we may have some snow showers tomorrow and/or Tuesday. But nothing like we have had in the past.
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