I have been going through boxes, cabinets and closets and loading up the car for weekly trips to Salvation Army. I just don't want to carry anymore unnecessary stuff through life.
Last Friday I found 4 old cell phones. One had teal stones all over it. I really believe I was the first one on the planet to come up with the idea of blinging out things. My second cellphone that I covered was done in rainbow crystals. People in restaurants would come up to my table to see my cell phone. This was probably 10 or more years ago. I think I hung onto them because they were something I created. Well, now someone else can enjoy them.
Today is Wednesday and my next blog post will be sometime over the weekend. I am going to be posting only once a week since I will be winding down this blog real soon.
This is also in an effort to simply my life. I want to spend less time connected to technology and more time planting flowers, painting pictures and/or connecting with friends.
Speaking of friends.... I think it is totally wild that since the age of 12 I have ALWAYS had a friend named Judy in my life. My first friend named Judy lived a couple of doors from me and she was older than me and we hug out. We were friends for many many years. Around the age of 19 I met my second friend named Judy, who is still my very best, dearest and closest friend. Talking to her on the phone these last 2 Sundays brought back so many wonderful memories. Judy makes the BEST popcorn on the planet! Then around the age of 28 I moved to Los Angeles and immediately met a girl named Judy who I was friend with for 17 years. I don't know about you... but I think that is just wild!
So until this weekend....
I'll be sad to see this blog end. Maybe you could do another and call it frompatode...just a suggestion from one of your fans... :)