My weight is "relative". And thanks to Einstein, I learned that the word "relative" means: depending on where you are.
So if you are a doctor and you are commenting on my weight you would say that I am at a normal weight.
If you are in the south and you were commenting on my weight you might say that I was on the skinny side and try to get me to eat something.
If you are in Los Angeles and you were commenting on my weight you would say that I am fat. Yep, FAT! The first thing you would look at is my stomach to see how flat it is or isn't. That would be the determining factor on whether or not you wanted to be seen with me..... oops I meant, talk to me....lol..lol...lol... It is funny because yes if you were in Los Angeles your decision to say one word to be would be based on the flatness of my stomach. Isn't that wild? Don't you wish you lived there? lol..lol..lol...
I knew this guy who worked at the Apple store and he was a cutie. He told me "Dottie I only have pretty friends. I don't want to be friends with someone who doesn't look good." Woe is me... I hate to have to learn the life lessons that this Dude is going to have to learn. I asked him, "What about the qualities that someone might possess, you know all those important things that you can't see, like trust and integrity?" And he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. And that is typical of Los Angeles... if they can't see it.. it doesn't matter.
I haven't lived in this part of the country long enough to tell you whether I am considered at a normal weight, skinny or fat. I can tell you that I haven't gained one pound! Which was my main concern upon moving here. I didn't want to gain 100 lbs like my friend, Linda, who moved from Los Angeles to Idaho and was afraid to go outside when it was cold, raining or snowing. I have kept moving and living and I am happy about that.
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