While walking around Warner Park in Woodland Hills I would say hello to anyone I passed. 60% would say hello back. One say I said hello to a woman and she instantly said hello and turned around and asked me if she could walk with me. I said "sure". As we walked and talked I continued to say hello to everyone who passed me. The woman whose name was Cristina said to me, "You make everyone say hello to you." I looked at her and said, "I don't MAKE anyone say anything." She asked me, "Why do you bother to say hello to someone you don't know?" I asked her, "Why wouldn't I? We are all human and we all live on this planet." She looked at me like I was weird.
My accountant recently told me, "Dottie you will do well on the east coast you are friendly, friendlier than most people." I thought that was an odd assessment. I am just me. And if you rub me the wrong way I bet you won't think I am friendly..lol..lol..
I was walking down Main Street the other day and it was about 20 degrees (-6.6C) outside and snowing a little and everyone that walked passed me either said hello or nodded their head and this was before me saying hello.
I also noticed that at a four-way stop the driver who arrived first at the intersection, although entitled by law to go first, often motions "after you" to me. Like Wow, that never ever happens in Los Angeles. The humility and thank you waves that occurs at four-way stops all but brings a tear to my eye.
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