The people are super friendly and seem more real.
You see white women pushing lawn mowers and doing yard work.
When moving in my neighbor, across the street, came over with a plate of home baked gluten free chocolate goodies saying "Welcome to the neighborhood. My name is Nancy and let me know if you need anything." The goodies were to die for. In all the times I have moved I have never ever had a neighbor do anything like that. It was like something from the movies.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings till about 1pm the Farmer's Market is open. It is 1 block from where I am living. The rules for selling at the market is that all food and flowers must be grown by the seller and be organic. Anything baked must be baked from scratch. You can find flowers, fruits, vegetables and baked pies and cookies. There is an Amish lady who sells the pies and cookies. It's much nicer to give the money directly to the farmer and cut out all of the middle men. Plus you are getting it super fresh, directly from the farm.
People leave there doors and windows open all the time, even when they go away. How cool to live in such a trusting place, without fear. In California an open window is an invitation for someone to sneak in and rob, rape or just terrorize you. That's a sad way to live.
Occasionally I have to have documents notarized. In California I paid $20 per document then I found a place that charged me $10 per document. When I moved to Wilkes Barre I paid $5 to have a document notarized. Yesterday I had to have a document notarized so I walked one block to Main Street and then walked into an office and asked if they had notary services. The girl explained she had just mailed her documents in to be a notary and wasn't one yet. I walked into the next office and inquired about notary services and was told that I could get my documents notarized. The girl notarized them and then I asked her how much I owed her and she said "nothing". I asked, "What?" She said, "I don't charge for notary services." I asked, "Why?" She said, "I personally, just don't want to." I told her that I felt bad not paying her for her service and that in the future I would need documents notarized and I didn't want to feel like I was taking advantage of her good nature by asking her to notarize them. She stood up, put a big smile on her face, held out her hand to shake mine and said, "Please feel free to take advantage of me any time." I was like Wow, could it get any better than Free notarizing!!!
Well, it can...... Here everyone grows stuff and so you walk out of the hardware store and there is a shelf that says "FREE" and there are cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, etc. Someone who worked at the store had too much in their garden. We were driving down the street yesterday and saw a table along side of the road with a sign that said "FREE" and there were tomatoes and corn on it. How cool is that?
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