Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sod Farms

I never knew what a Sod Farm was until I moved to the San Fernando Valley in California. There's a really big one near the Sepulveda Basin.

I was amazed that people had farms that grew grass. I remember telling my Dad, who was a farmer that grew vegetables, about these farms that just grew grass and he thought that was crazy.

I have seen a few sod farms here in Pennsylvania.

If I were a contractor building homes and got to the end and needed grass I probably wouldn't think a sod farm is a crazy idea. I know that there are different kinds of grass. Many years ago, someone I knew in California purchased Champion grass for their front lawn. That was when I learned about the grass

I took this picture in Salzburg. It is the garden where the famous movie "The Sound of Music", with Julie Andrews, was filmed. The gardens are beautiful and are open for all to walk through.

It's funny cause I just realized that Mozart was born and lived in Salzburg. And I wonder if that is why Salzburg was chosen for the filming of a movie entitled "The Sound of Music"... hummm.. I wonder...


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