Slowing down a bit also got my creative itch going.
I have a YouTube channel entitled "ReaderOfEverything", it is also my name on amazon. I have reviewed 350 books to date. My 290th review was my first video review. All reviews have been video since then as I can post them on amazon and my book review YouTube channel. My latest review is of my friend, Lin Morel's book "Get Clear. Get Connected. Get a Job." It's a super good little book and highly recommened. {Click the title to see the video review.}
I have also posted a new video on my FactualShit YouTube channel. This channel is designed to give short informative videos about actual factual shit that is happening in our world that people seem to miss. Those little things tend to jump out at me. Yesterday I posted a FactualShit video on Infinite Jest. {Click on Infinite Jest to see the video.}
The FactualShit channel is also used to promote my t-shirts. Yes, I also have a t-shirt website. I created this website a few years ago. The sayings, which I have trademarked, are meant to empower you and/or get you thinking. {Click on t-shirts to go to the site.}
If that weren't enough.... I had been thinking for the last few months about starting a new YouTube channel. Thing is... I have 3 right now and well.... I was a bit hesitant to start another however... the idea just wouldn't go away. So yesterday I designed my new YouTube channel and as soon as I post the Introduction (what it will be about), I'll let you know.
The picture is of me opening a Christmas gift in Australia last December. Yep, that's how we do it after having a cocktail.
I should be packing + I am taking my sweet time + slowing down a bit = ??? Must equal 'genz0 is doing it for me!!!' thank you very much :P