In the beginning all of your ads were written in html code and if you didn't know how to write the code you could purchase various programs that would assist you with the conversion of the code. Now, you can just type your ad in and it will translate it to the html code or you can write the code in. I think that there are too many people on eBay now.
Now you pay eBay fees to list your items and eBay fees when you sell your items and their are restrictions on how much you can charge to ship an item. No wonder their revenue was approximately $8.4 billion last year.
I did some research on the internet and found that a lot of people are saying that in order to make it worth your while on eBay you have to be selling one niche item and that if you are selling random stuff your chances of making it worth your while or pretty much non-existent.
I know someone, in California, who claims to make a very good living selling reburbished cell phones. He has been doing it for years and is a power seller which means he gets lots of eBay perks that the average Joe, like me, doesn't get.
So how does one get rid of everything that you don't want or need? Well, you can give it to a charity. I do this several times a year.
I think that my friend, Judy in Texas, has the right idea. She started a Garage Sale Business. She has a home with a big yard to do it in. People give her their stuff and she sells it at her Garage Sales and keeps a commission. She has recently told me that business is great.
I would have a Garage Sale every weekend if I had the right place to do it. I live "in town" and don't have anyplace to do it now. So today I am boxing up everything that is on the floor in my office, labeling the boxes "Shit to Sell" and putting them up in the attic.
My next plan is to try my hand at the Garage Sale business next year when I move. Hopefully then it will be worth my while to do.
Bottom line... eBay is not worth my time ;-)
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