You may think that if you saw a celebrity that you would want to run up and say something to them "Wow, I am a big fan" or "Can I touch you?" I have never seen anyone actually approach a celebrity. Here in California you just turn to the person next to you and say "Hey isn't that so-in-so?" And they say "Yea, man they look different when they aren't on tv." And you have a good laugh knowing that nothing you see on television is real. It's a given that everyone here knows. California is the best place at creating an illusion. People are actually the opposite of what you think they are. For example, a guy who dresses like a bum probably has millions in the bank. And the guy who is dressed to the "T" probably doesn't have $5 to his name and has maxed out his credit cards.
Yesterday at 12:40pm I was sitting in the California Chicken Cafe, here in Woodland Hills, and I saw this old man sitting alone eating his lunch. The place was pretty packed being lunch time. I thought how normal he looked. Then 2 tables away I saw a girl who was shoving food in her mouth with one hand while holding her cell phone up to her ear with the other hand. And I thought that it didn't look normal. I guess it might have looked normal to me if I were her age. And then I noticed that 2 other girls were sitting at the table with her and I thought that it just wasn't all that cool that she was sitting at lunch with 2 other people yapping and eating at the same time. And then I realized who I was looking at ..... the Kardashian sisters, Kim, Kourtney and Khloe. The girl next to me commented how they blended in with the crowd. Yep, they looked like normal people. Thin haired like Christina Ricci, no make up on and bumming around in sweats. Hummmm.... really makes you wonder if "Reality TV" is so "Reality". Those chicks aren't running around with makeup on, false eye lashes on and hair extensions in every day of the week. I am sure they only do it when the cameras are around.
Speaking of cameras being around.... A couple of weeks ago a friend and I went to dinner at Fabrocini's Italian Restaurant. The weather is pretty good here so a lot of restaurants have outdoor seating. As I walked up to the resturant the first thing I noticed was a guy with a camera on his shoulder leaning over a table point it in the face of Gene Simmons (the Dude from Kiss) and his wife Shannon. They were filming for his "reality" television show.
Every day I go to the gym, which isn't every I see "The Rock"... Dwayne Johnson. He's always on the machines hooked up to his iPod. Which by the way, is a clear signal "I'm busy don't bother me." He's not a very big guy. Actually very normal size and when I first saw him I thought it might be his brother. Then I found out he only gets "pumped up" when he has to ... you know like the Kardashian sisters gettin' all pretty for the camera... oops I mean their reality television show.
One day I was working out next to Keenan Ivory Wayans and when I left the gym I went to Whole Foods. So did Keenan. When I walked around the corner of the grocrey store isle he was standing there looking at me like I was following him.. which I wasn't. So I reacted... without thinking I said "Dude you gotta stop following me." He started laughing and shook his head and walked by. I just didn't know what else to say. The last thing I wanted him to think was that he was being stalked.
My most memorable celebrity encounter was the one I experienced with Elizabeth Gilbert author of "Eat Pray Love". She was speaking at the 2007 Women's Conference. I walked up to her while she was signing books and told her how great I thought her book was. She opened her purse and pulled out a pair of mantra beads, like the ones on the front cover of her book, and gave them to me. I was on cloud nine! It was a time I will never forget.
The picture on this post is of Pamela Anderson and her 2 sons. Pamela owes me one and doesn't even know it. I went to the Apple store for a class at 8am on a Sunday morning. The store didn't open until 10:30. However, there was a line out front for the new iPhone. When I walked into the empty mall I saw Pamela sitting in the food area texting like there was no tomorrow. She looked like she does on television. Just rolled in the sack hair, some makeup, boobs under her chin and tanned. Upon arriving at the store I noticed her 2 sons standing in the line for the new iPhones. The Apple employee opened the gate and let me in, closing the gate behind me. I said "Dude that's Pamela Anderson's sons in line and she is over there texting." He checked them out and I asked "Don't you think you might want to let them in before the mall starts filling up with people and who knows what could happen with Pamela around?" He said "Great idea." And he opened the gate and walked over to her inviting her and her two sons in to purchase iPhones. Yep, it was just me, Pamela, her 2 boys and a handful of Apple employees in the store that Sunday morning. The picture was taken from my iPhone.
Why did you say that?! In my mind The Rock is still the biggest, the meanest and the funniest celeb alive today!!! Do you enjoy bursting my bubble?!
ReplyDeleteHaha, this is so funny!! Maybe next time you could adopt the Pam Anderson idea and let your cats que up for you.
Funny Blog, I will be following it!
Grtz from Europe