Disclaimer...lol...lol.... these are my thoughts and opinions only. The way that I see the world. You may or may not agree with me. Neither of us is right or wrong. Life is the way it is and we get to see and express it our way.
I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. Hurricanes are common. Hurricane season begins June 1st and is officially over November 30th. Growing up we heard that one day a big hurricane would come and drown everyone in the city like rats. It was a threat that you lived with. Upon the arrival of
El Nino the threats became greater. Warmer waters are what fuels hurricanes. In 2005
Hurricane Katrina hit. It was the one they had heard about, however, no one knew until it was all over.
This is how it will be when "The Big One" hits California. No one will realize until the rumbling has passed how bad it really was. I still think about California and the earthquakes. When I don't get emails or phone calls from the west coast I wonder,
did the big one happen? I don't have a television and I don't listen to the radio so it probably would be a while before I would know.
I have friends who have said, "Don't think about the big earthquake." Okay I get that our thoughts are powerful, however, I don't believe that me having an occasional thought will create it. Trust me... I am working on my evolution but haven't gotten anywhere near creating a massive earthquake that will break California off with my mind...lol...lol... And even if I did reach that level of evolution... I wouldn't be blogging about it...lol...lol...
"The Big One" was one of my top 5 reasons for leaving California. And here's the deal.....
I have worked very hard to build my life. Too hard to ignore what scientist and professionals in engineering are saying. I watched the documentary
"The Blue Planet" that was released in 2001. It is one of the many places that you can find scientific information that "The Big One" is going to hit California. The information you can't find is exactly when. However, all have stressed that it is "overdue" and will happen soon. If you live in California you know that they say "It's not
IF it will happen, it is
WHEN it will happen."
I have wondered "
Why isn't anything done to protect people?" What I have found out, from various research on the Internet, is that it is only the state and governments responsibility to tell you "It's gonna be big and bad so you should be prepared." State and government officials also know that people in California don't want to hear it, don't want to acknowledge it and most aren't even prepared. What does this mean?
Would you hang from a rope 1,000,000 feet in the air if you knew that the rope was breaking and you were only being held by a few fibers? If all the scientist in the world and the rope specialist told you that without a shadow of a doubt that this rope WILL break and that it will not last very long, would you still stay there hanging on acting like is is the only place on the planet, forgetting that you have free will and are responsible for your life? Are you waiting for someone to come and save you?
I have had friends in California who told me that I was a chicken because they thought I was running away from "The Big One." Call me what ever you choose. I don't think that taking responsibility for my life and using my free will to move from harms way is in any way chicken. I have nothing to prove to anyone by being ignorant to what I can't control.
So what happens after "The Big One"? Are the people who survived going to look to someone to save them? And just to be clear... the big bad nasty about Katrina is that their weren't buses to bus the poor people out of the city when the hurricane was approaching. They were stuck and they drown. What I am talking about is different. People who have money, cars and jobs and are capable of relocating their families to a much safer place in the US are choosing to stay there.
I feel sorry for people who smoke and get lung cancer. Why? Because nicotine is addicting and it's more than them making a conscious decision to smoke. So I wonder.... are people who stay in California addicted to something .... something that is more than them making a conscious decision to live there? I mean could it be an ego addiction? I mean face it, people in California think that they are the greatest and that the rest of the US are second class. I know... I have heard it all.... "Dottie, the people are really really different. Dottie you know in other parts of the US they marry their cousins....lol..lol..lol.." Some clients/friends even said that they wouldn't do business with me if I moved away from California. It is there choice and they get to do what ever they please.
I attended
Anthony Robbins seminar
"Date with Destiny" about 17 years ago. This Dude's motto is "fake it till you make it". Well, that's what's got this economy in the pickle it is in. I am not blaming him. Just tons of people listened to him and went out and maxed out their credit cards to purchase things that would make them look like they were something that they aren't. And did the expensive stuff get them to the place where they looked real? Absolutely not. I had issues with Mr. Robbins and his seminars. And at the break I approached his giant head (it's super big when you are face-to-face with it) and I told him why.
If you really really really know on the inside your value and your worth you don't need one damn thing that you can't afford for everyone else to know it. Everyone knew
Gandhi was great. He didn't need fancy houses or clothes. Greatness comes from being real, not from "faking it till you make it".
So for my friends in California I am asking you to take the time to ask yourself why you really need to live in a place that is; over populated, very unhealthy air quality, outrageously expensive, not safe, sparse when it comes to nature and over all "not real"?
I learned in California that "all that glitters, is not gold". "Believe half of what you hear and none of what you see." In California the people who are dressed like bums are the ones who probably have millions in the bank and the people who are dressed like they have millions are probably the ones who are cash poor and maxed out on credit cards. Nothing real about that.
Just know.... no one is responsible for your safety and well being except you and no one is going to come and save you.
With Love & Light,