What I won't miss... the sound of sirens. I was sitting at my desk working today and I literally heard sirens at least 10 different times today, if not more. The place I live in is inland quite a bit from the street. That was one of the reasons I moved here. In the apartment I lived in before here the sound of sirens was driving me crazy. I mentioned to a few of my friends that the sounds were too frequent for my comfort level and they all remarked that it might not be occurring as much as I thought it was. So I started documenting how many times I would hear them. I got the idea from a documentary I saw about Henry Darger. Henry documented everyday, for 10 years, how the weather man got the weather wrong. So I started documenting how many times I heard sirens. I had a pen and paper by the bed and would write down the time when I was awaken by them. The daily average was 8-12 times a day. When there was a full moon I heard them 12-18 times a day! That's every single day! To me that's just not right. The sound of sirens affects me on a very deep level. And they wear on my nerves. I won't miss the daily sound of them.
People are funny I tell you... freakin' funny. I know the people who work at my post office on a very personal level. I have been going there almost daily for the last 11 years. One of the girls who works there today asked "When are you moving?" I said, "Soon." She said, "Pennsylvania." I said, "Yes." She said, "It gets so cold there. One of my friends said she went in the store shopping and it started snowing and when she came out of the store she couldn't find her car. It was all white." I said, "That probably only happens once a decade." She said, "My friend told me that it snows 3 feet and you can't open your door." I said, "I bet that only happens once a decade." She said, "My friend said that you have to get out and shovel your sidewalk cause if someone falls they will sue you." I said, "Wow, that's great. We need to exercise more when we get older. I won't need to pay for a gym membership." She said, "What about dying from frost bite." I looked at her and said "For Gods sake! I am not going to be living on the street. People who live in houses don't die of frost bite in the winter! Please be happy for me. I am no longer happy living here." She put her head down and said, "Dottie we are going to miss you." And I thought that was was really sweet and I realized that in throwing all that really insane stuff out about the cold she was probably in hopes she would say something that might make me change my mind. Which was sweet.
I miscalculated how much time I have left here in California. I actually thought I had 3 weeks and today when I turned the calendar to May 1st, I realized I really have only 2 weeks left. Which isn't all that bad. I just need to be on top of my game to make it all happen.
Well, you know what the picture is....